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Moringa's growing market and its huge demand


The potential growth of this “Miracle Tree”
is massive and has just begun

The global Moringa Products Market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% from 2020 to 2027


Many markets desire Moringa Oleifera 

How Moringa is being used and Where the demand is

Food Industry 


Productos cosméticos

Cosmetic Industry

Is using mostly Moringa leaf powder, as well as Moringa seed and oil to boost the functional and nutritional properties of food products. Food trends for 2022 are predicting Moringa everything! Nutritional shakes, cereals, soups, smoothies, snack bars and plant-based proteins foods.

Is using mostly Moringa leaf powder to replace synthetic chemicals, motivated by the increase of life expectancy of consumers who are looking for alternatives to synthetic medicine. Main driver being it’s stress-reducing, immune-boosting and anti-diabetic effectiveness.

Is using Moringa powder and oil for moisturizers, cleansers, anti-aging creams, aromatherapy and massage oil. Large conventional cosmetics companies, contract manufacturers, dedicated natural cosmetics companies, formulators and product developers are all looking for natural ingredients.


European Plant Markets & Moringa Demand

USA Market Demand  

In 2018, the European plant market was worth 5.8 billion USD.  By 2027, it’s estimated to be worth 9.5 billion. 


  • Dietary Supplement Industry projected to reach 20.9 Billion USD by 2026; and expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 4.9% between 2019 – 2026


  • Plant Protein Market expected to grow from 9.5 Billion USD by 2027. 


  • Nutraceuticals Industry expected growth rate of 8.7% and expected to reach 1.9 Billion USD by 2027

There is increasing demand for its use in Organic Medication, Health Supplements, Health Foods and Natural Cosmetics.


  • In 2019, Moringa leaf powder segment generated the largest revenue among all the moringa-based products and held the leading position in the global market as well. 


  • In the health food industry, Moringa leaf powder has the leading market share of about 30 percent 


  • Natural Cosmetic Products there’s a rising demand for Moringa leaf powder


  • In the Americas, there’s an anticipated boom in demand for Moringa as more people shift to vegetarian and vegan diets


Investment Opportunity 

Investment that helps both Investors and Community. By putting the power and responsibility in the hands of like-minded investors who want to participate in our company’s mission and vision. 


Thinking regeneratively is the way to a healthier future for us all. Oceans of Moringa is committed to this. We believe more and more investors are looking for opportunities to invest in their future by investing in systems and businesses that support individual and planetary health, wellbeing, more personal autonomy and less dependence on top down systems. 


Letter from Founder & CEO
Oceans of Moringa, Wayne David Klein

Our business model is dedicated to creating systems that promote healthy solutions to the social imbalances that create poverty and inequality. To meet that goal we will grow the Miracle Tree aka: Tree of Life, Moringa. 


Our company will support and empower employees and communities in their health, wellbeing and ability to see their potential and self-worth. Our investors earn profits, while helping us to generate the abundance that will feed an eventual non-profit branch of a true Tree of Life.


We believe our business model merging health, business and higher purpose will put Costa Rica on the map as a major supplier of Fair Trade high-quality organic Moringa. We aspire to become a world-leader in organic regenerative Moringa farming, while providing Costa Rica and the world with a nutrient dense organic food source to help with rampant malnutrition and disease. 


The world needs more models for how to create truly regenerative systemic health and wellbeing for the greater good. A model that has its roots in the very soil that feeds the human spirit. 


This is our passion, and we believe with your support Oceans of Moringa will be that model.


Wayne David Klein, Founder & CEO Oceans of Moringa

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