Our World Needs Miracles

We Face Epic Global Health Issues
Malnutrition is at an all-time high in Western civilizations, not just developing nations
Diabetes, Autoimmune diseases and multiple other health issues are common
Weak immune systems are unable to fight off viruses and diseases
Cancer is a world-wide epidemic growing exponentially

The Miracle Continues
Scientific studies show growing evidence that Moringa Oleifera is safe and effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, Covid -19 and other health and wellbeing challenges. Moringa leaves, flowers, seeds, pods, gum and bark have various different therapeutic properties and uses.

Cancers - breast, colon, melanoma, osteosarcoma, leukemia, gastric cancer, skin tumor, mast cells and prostate cancer
Autoimmune Diseases – Multiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Atopic Dermatitis
Covid 19 Virus – actually reduces the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine-related mRNAs
Kidney – acetaminophen overdose, Kidney stones
Metabolic Diseases – Diabetes, Ulcerative Colitis
Adverse effects of food additives
Chronic Inflammation - Arthritis
Respiratory problems
Protein malfunctions
Metal Detoxification
Thyroid problems
- Drug Side Effects
Low libido

Moringa Affects
Relieves general weakness, depression, menopause, osteoporosis, and arthritis
Supports the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanisms and immune system
Restricts growth of various pathogenic organisms
Supports healthy cell growth and apoptosis
Relieves vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Promotes normal blood glucose levels
Supports cardiovascular system health
Improves skin, bone and vision health
Overcomes malnutrition
Neutralize free radicals
Enriches anemic blood
Aids lactating mothers
Balances hormones
Moringa as an Anti-Cancer Treatment
One of the main objectives of scientists is to find treatments that can kill cancer cells with the least impact on human health.
Studies have shown:
Moringa contains Eugenol, an anti-cancer compound stimulating apoptosis (cell death)
Moringa’s high mineral content makes the body more resistant to cancerous tumours and the side effects that may occur during present day therapies.
Benzyl isocyanate makes it suitable as an adjuvant in chemotherapeutic treatments as it increases the resistance of the healthy cells subjected to these invasive treatments.
Moringa Oleifera, a promising therapeutic intervention against
The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call about the value of our health and well-being, as well as the importance of strengthening our immune systems. Although scientific evidence on the efficacy of Moringa Oleiferia is still in its infancy, relevant and much promising evidence is already available.
Studies have shown:
Proof of the inhibitor activity of M. oleifera compounds for the use in natural drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 virus
M. Oleifera boosts the immune system and supports the production of antibodies
Effectiveness of M. oleifera in blocking the replication and transcription of SARS-CoV-2 through inhibitory effect on main protease (Mpro) activity
Various effective antiviral agents/constituents against SARS-CoV-2 such as Anthraquinone and Flavonoids (as well as Apigenin and ellagic acid)
Niaziminin derivates have been found to be promising candidate drugs for COVID-19 treatment
High affinity/drug likeliness and low toxicity
The world needs affordable and accessible alternatives so that each individual can take responsibility for his or her own health and well-being. This is the only way to protect ourselves from the growing potential of new viruses and other threats.